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“Do my indoor cats need vaccinations?” It’s a pretty common question you’ll hear at a vet’s office every once in a while. And hey, it makes sense, right? Your pet seems pretty safe inside those four walls, protected from other pets that might be carrying diseases. The truth is a bit more complicated, though the answer to this question is very simple. For a number of reasons, all cats - regardless of their living situation -- need to be getting their regular shots. If your cat is out of date on them, it might be time to find a vaccine clinic in Burien.
Rabies Vaccines are Not Negotiable
Let’s start with the easiest reason: rabies. Not only is it pretty much always fatal in cats, it can be transmitted to humans too. Most pet owners think they’ll be able to easily keep an indoor cat away from wild animals, but you might be surprised at the number of threats to an unvaccinated pet from an infected host. Bats are the most common carrier of rabies, and they can occasionally be found in attics or in the eaves. The worst part? They’ll look like just like that toy on a stick your cat loves to pounce on. Most pet owners choose a quick trip to the vaccine clinic here in Burien to avoid heartbreak later on. If that’s not enough, pet owners in the state of Washington are required to get their cats vaccinated.
Expect the Unexpected
We’d love to say that our cats just love us too much to leave us, but let’s be honest here: if there’s a door or window open, Tigger is likely going to make a break for it. And once he does, he could run into all sorts of mischief, shenanigans and who knows what else. And while he might be living it up Homeward Bound style, he might be coming into contact with any number of diseases that could leave him feeling unwell, both now and in the future. A good example of this is the feline herpesvirus, which can cause uncomfortable flare-ups for your cat the rest of their lives. Any time they’re stressed out (moving house, the holidays, a new playmate) they could experience sneezing, gunk around the eyes, fever and worse.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment at a pet vaccine clinic here in Burien, please feel free to reach out to us at Burien Veterinary Hospital.